Science… Chemistry
I always find Science interesting… Whether it is contemplating about interstellar travel, or figuring how ants in a colony behave.
But I like Chemistry most of all because it is very personal – most experiments can be done by one person in a lab; and there are so many ways Chemistry interact with our lives and enable sustainable development. Here are some Chemical Research subjects I personally find interesting…
New Drug Understanding and Development
Computational Chemistry and Other Technological Advances
Innovating with Better Materials and Alternative Energy
Removing Carbon and Pollutants / Raising Crop Productivity
Chem - Breaking News
26 Sept 2024: Nature reported that researchers in Japan have discovered a stable single-electron covalent bond between two carbon atoms, validating a century-old theory by Linus Pauling. I do not have access to the article; whether this may help us understand the quantum nature of covalent bonds, the mere fact that evidences now support a theoretical speculation formed 93 years ago should be a cause for celebration.
Chem - Interaction with Life Sciences
Chemical research enable better drug development and lead to better health (Click on Passage Title to Learn More)
No Need for Sugar to Help the Medicine Go Down
While Whey protein hydrolysates (WPHs) may reduce hypertension, their usage in foods is limited because of their bitterness. However, Cheung finds that treating WPHs with exopeptidases—enzymes that remove terminal amino acids from peptides—can reduce bitterness while maintaining or even enhancing their antihypertensive properties. This shows how a simple change can dramatically change our lifestyle.
Molecular machinery in Eukaroytes
Kornberg explores the transcription process the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and the molecular machinery involved in regulating gene expression in eukaryotic cells,. His discovery of the nucleosome, and the first detailed crystallographic images of the transcription apparatus in action, offered insights into the DNA, RNA, and the transcription machinery, and earned Kornberg the Noble Prize in Chemistry in 2006.
PSI – Simple Modules Matter
Plant Specific Insert (PSI) proteins are important because they help defend plants against pathogens by interacting with cell membranes. Understanding how PSIs work, modifying them, can lead to better ways to help plants better defend themselves, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. There are also potential applications in medicine, such as new delivery methods to target cells..
Chem - Advanced Tools in the Kitbag
Advances in technology enable us to visualize or gain deeper insights into the world of Chemistry (Click on Passage Title to Learn More)
Chem- Key to Sustainable Development
Breakthroughs in chemistry will help us reduce carbon emisssion, and even combat climate change (Click on Passage Title to Learn More)
Friendly Way to Convert Cellulose to Glucose
Safer Sodium-Ion Battery Thermals
Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are a promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to their lower cost and availability. While SIBs are generally safer due to the absence of lithium, which reacts violently with water, they still pose significant safety risks. By integrating materials like graphene or metal carbides to help dissipate heatefficiently, reducing the risks of thermal runaway, adoption of SIBs can lead to cheaper energy storage..